Some of the cutest children pictures are taken during the infant and toddler years. This is when kids experience their “firsts”. Whether it’s crawling, yawning, smiling, or walking, capturing that moment is priceless. Photographing a baby is not an easy task. Working around the wiggling and squirming or the pouting and crying to get the perfect picture takes time. To help master baby photography, consider these tips:

“Baby” captured by PictureSocial member Victoriya Lebedeva
1. It takes two
If you are planning a special photo shoot, enlist a helper to assist. Solo baby photography is next to impossible. You need one person to entertain the baby and one to snap the photos. Note that this tip does not apply to candid shots; we’ll discuss those later.
2. Patience is a virtue
If you are rushed or aggravated, it will be difficult to capture a calm baby. Babies will react to the frazzled energy you are projecting.
3. Quantity leads to quality
Have your camera on you at all times. It might take 100 pictures to get a perfect shot. But, when you do it will be well worth the effort.
4. Familiarize at a young age
If it’s your own baby you’re photographing, getting them used to the camera from the day they are born will help them adapt. The flash or clicking noise might startle them at first but the more they see you with your camera the more they will relax. By the time they reach their toddler years, they will be posing and saying “cheese” on cue.

“Untitled” captured by PictureSocial member Abbie Pepple
5. Motivate with toys and funny noises
To get a baby’s attention, wave their favorite toy behind the camera or make funny faces and sounds. And, remember to click fast; their attention span is short.
6. Lighting is key
Outside photographs should be taken on cloudy days or in a shaded area. Sunlight tends to cause babies to squint and it also creates glare.
7. Focus
A baby’s face is priceless. Their eyes can say a thousand words. Be sure to get down at their level and focus in on their eyes. Capture them without any distracting objects, like a crib or toys, in the background.

“Gammy’s Boy – Dubby” captured by PictureSocial member Yvonne Perkins
8. Capture action and interaction
Pictures of just the baby are good, but be sure to take some including family members or friends. Natural and loving moments with the grandparents, play time with other children, or walking the beach with Daddy or Mommy are images to treasure. If these are action shots, just be sure to adjust your camera appropriately for action photos.

“Untitled” captured by PictureSocial member Pirjo-Leena Bauer
9. Be creative
Play around with your camera settings and editing choices. Create black and white photos or highlight a specific color. Zoom in on the little baby feet and hands. Don’t just take pictures of them smiling or laughing. Take one of a pouty face. The more variety you have, the more memories you will have captured.

“Baby” captured by PictureSocial member Jay Sadler
About the Author:
This article was written by Julie Pitts from picturemeperfect dot com. Baby photos with family and friends.
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