Amazing Long Exposure Photography Tips

sparks flying out of lit box

Searching for a complete instructional guide on how to take breathtaking special effects shots?

Say no more. This eBook entitled Trick Photography and Special Effects V2 contains over 295 pages of instruction along with 9 hours of video tutorials and over 300 creative photographs to help you learn everything you need to know to create impressive images and to bring your photography to a whole new level.

Trick Photography Tips

trick photography - clones of same man stationed in different parts of house

Wouldn’t it be great to forego years of being an “enthusiast” or a “hobbyist” who works for free and skip ahead to the pro circle? Be an accomplished photographer today and inspire other photographers to be just as talented as you are. Bring your photography to new heights with this in-depth eBook that will show you the ins and outs of special effects photography.

How to Freeze Motion

Trick Photography

If you’ve ever had the urge to reproduce a photo but are at a loss as to how you’re going to do it, this eBook will take care of that. Pages of instructions and hours of video tutorials are guaranteed to advance your photography skills to new heights; photos so bold and unique that clients will be lining up to have you work with them. If you’re prepared to go the extra mile to produce striking images for the ages, keep reading this page for more information on what you’ll get out of the eBook.

Stunning Special Effects

face of man projected onto hands

For several months, eBook creator Evan Sharboneau compiled a comprehensive how-to manual for beginners and pros alike. Equipped with up-to-date techniques and easy-to-follow instructions, you’ll be creating jaw-dropping images in no time at all. Break down those trick photography secrets and even demonstrate how it’s done to others, step-by-step.

Long Exposure Effects

Long Exposure Ball of Sparks

Module 1: Long Exposure Effects and Light Painting

Learn how to do light painting and long exposures just like the pros! Don’t just read about them in magazines. With this eBook, you can be them. Module 1 covers everything you’ll need to capture amazing long exposure and light-painting photos worthy of the front page on any publication. With over 60 pages covering the different light sources and what they can do, you’ll be gearing up to shoot in the dark in no time!

man with light painting effects

Taking long exposure photos of lighting and star trails are included in the module, not to mention the entire section that covers long exposures in the daytime as well. What’s great about this eBook is that you do not need Adobe Photoshop or any other photo-editing software to manipulate your images; the techniques are done mostly in-camera, anyway. No fancy Photoshop tricks required!

Get the tutorial for just US$ 97!
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You will learn things like…

special effects ebook - man hovering in mid-air

The basics of photography such as aperture, shutter speed, ISO and white balance. These terms are quickly going to be part of your active vocabulary if they aren’t already. You will learn how to master them for both day and night photography. These are the essentials every photographer must know in order to produce great photographs.

hand help up against computer screen

How to use different light sources such as Maglite® flashlights, LEDs, Laser Pens, Glow sticks, Glow-in-the-Dark Paint, Fire, Sparklers, Steel Wool, External Flashes and Flash Gels to create mind-blowing light-painting photographs.

trick photo of sparks flying to form a pattern

What it takes to create complex symmetrical physiogram patterns, straight out of camera.

How to capture smoking hot photographs, of fire and sparks. A tutorial on how you can use steel wool to capture long exposure shots of sparks flying is also included in the eBook.

How to blend and combine several light paintings together and transform them into uniquely complex “light-stitchings”. This is the only technique in the entire module that will require the use of Photoshop or any other photo-editing software.

How to capture long exposure shots during the day with the use of special filters. This will come in handy when you’re near bodies of water, such as waterfalls or any other location that would require you to blur any sort of movement over a long period of time.

Get the tutorial for just US$ 97!
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trick photo of hand punching through water

Trick Photography and Special Effects

Module 2: Trick Photography and Special Effects

As the title suggests, the module is all about creating mind-blowing special effects and optical illusion techniques that will add a new dimension of drama and surreal creativity to your photography. As with the other techniques in this eBook, Photoshop or other photo-editing software is not 100% required to execute all these tricks. HDR Photography, Infrared Photography, 360 Planetoids and Tunnels, The Droste Effect, Spiral Planets, Time-Displacement Photography, Birefringence, The Orton Effect, The Harris Shutter Effect, and Multiple Exposures… the list goes on.

You will learn things like…

tunnel trick tree

How to ditch the boring, generic images and use HDR photography to turn any regular old photography into dramatic but realistic images with a pop of color, contrast and depth. This is an extremely useful technique for capturing images faithful to what you perceive with the naked eye.

How to transform landscape photography into surreal, dreamlike photography using infrared photography and various color-processing techniques in post-processing.

The secrets behind turning any landscape photo into a masterpiece of a “polar panorama” is also included in this eBook. This is arguably the most comprehensive guide on this topic available today. This section alone could justify the cost of the entire eBook. You’ll discover how to make tunnels, planets, tunnels within planets, and more.

Over 10 mind-boggling optical illusions that will fool the eyes of the less observant and less knowledgeable, but won’t fool you once you read this module. Learn about forced perspective, transparent scenes, rotated perspective, shaped bokeh effects and birefringence.

Photoshop Projects

Module 3: Photoshop Projects

This module covers projects that would entail the use of Photoshop. Not to worry, it’s easy-to-follow and the tools are simple enough. Techniques like Multiplicity Photography, Levitation Photography, Floating Fruit, The Invisible Man Technique, Fake Tilt-Shift Photography, and Flesh Manipulations will result in shocking images that people will remember. Descriptions are also provided for several images, so that you’ll know exactly how Sharboneau made it.

What Kind of Format is this eBook in?

Trick Photography and Special Effects V2 is a downloadable PDF file, which can be viewed on a wide range of compatible devices such as laptop or desktop computers, iPhone or Android devices, iPads, and even other tablets.

For iPad-specific users, you can download this eBook (or any pdf document) directly to the iBooks app, which you can access at any time. Click here for a very handy guide that shows you exactly how to put this book into your iBooks app.

Get the tutorial for just US$ 97!
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This eBook can be found here: Trick Photography and Special Effects Vol 2.

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