Monthly Archives: August 2012
Featured Photographer – Staffan Widstrand
Professional photographer and writer. Author of 9 books (3 of them awarded the title ?Panda Book of the Year? by WWF). Winner of 11 awards in the ?Wildlife Photographer of the Year? competition. ?Nature Photographer of the Year? in Sweden … Continue reading
Featured Photographer – Georg Popp
A landscape photographer in a classical sense, I use large-format camera systems (4×5?) almost exclusively, but don?t feel old-fashioned in doing so. I see myself more as an artist, like a painter, with the creative freedom that comes with this … Continue reading
Shooting Blind
How-ToText And Photography By Dominique BraudBlinds let you get close to wildlife to observe and capture intricacies of behavior. While most people think of photographing waterfowl from a blind, you can use one to get great shots of all sorts … Continue reading
Featured Photographer – Franco Banfi
I was born in 1958 in Lugano and I started wildlife photography as a hobby. I always liked to be in the wild, be part of nature and subjected to the oddities of the weather. I hate to stay shut … Continue reading
First Wait, then Shoot
By Nizar BredanArticles, magazines and books about photography provide a lot of useful information for photographers of all levels, but they usually do not do sufficient justice to one major element.Waiting, and consequently anticipating, are in my opinion essential habits … Continue reading
Storm Watch
How-ToText & Photography by Roger and Caryn HilDramatic weather yields dramatic photographs. Roger and Caryn Hill are dedicated, expert storm chasers and photographers. Every year they strike out across the United States to photograph the wild weather systems that emerge … Continue reading
Gear Up Your Photo Vehicle
How-To Photographers such as Galen Rowell famously traveled light and bounded up mountains with nothing but a camera and lens. He camped in high-alpine environments for days on end, and while he had the gear he needed, space and weight … Continue reading
Design Your Photography Web Page
Finding a nice template for a photography website is difficult. Overuse of Flash (that won’t reach anyone on iPad or iPhone), blaring music, and far too long on load times seems to be the norm. Learn to program for the … Continue reading
First Wait, then Shoot
By Nizar BredanArticles, magazines and books about photography provide a lot of useful information for photographers of all levels, but they usually do not do sufficient justice to one major element.Waiting, and consequently anticipating, are in my opinion essential habits … Continue reading
Digital Pitfalls A Cautionary Tale
How-ToText And Photography By Tom TillRock forms of Monument Basin, Canyonlands National Park, Utah. This is a popular image in Tom Till’s gallery. With renewed perspective, Till describes this version of the photo this way, “This is HDR gone too … Continue reading
Pieces of The Whole
How-To The whole is the sum of its parts. If a single addend is eliminated, it prevents a proper total from being obtained. Photographically put, make sure all components in the composition add up to a proper sum. Don’t create … Continue reading