Yearly Archives: 2013
Macro Portraits
How-To A portrait by any other name or modifier is still a portrait. If I simply add the modifier of MACRO, it doesn’t change rules of composition, light, creativity, depth of field, etc. What does change is the way in … Continue reading
Limited-Time Holiday Offer: Save $30 on a Vandelay Premier Subscription
Published in Business, Products Do you want to make more money from your business and save time while doing so? You can do this by purchasing pre-made, professional resources that can be customized to fit the needs of your business. … Continue reading
Tips for photographing Star Trails
Errore nella deserializzazione del corpo del messaggio di risposta per l’operazione ‘ translate ‘. Quota per la lunghezza massima delle stringhe superata durante la lettura dei dati (8192) XML. Pu
25 beautiful colorful Websites
Published in galleriesIf you have a Web site, is one of the most common challenges to develop an effective color scheme. In many cases, the color scheme of the sites will be determined, or at least influenced by the existing … Continue reading
Basic Accounting Tips for Freelance Web Designers
Published in Business How do you feel about accounting? How much do you even know about what kind of accounting records you need to keep?If you
15+ Step-By-Step Public Speaking Tips for Web Designers and Freelancers
Published in Marketing You may think that as a freelance web designer you don
Killer wasp play
Themselves.Brian V.The WaSP learn the plotThe attackWasp friend drives off with hammer View the original article here
Wet show shot setup
Typical set up that I use for doing refraction shots on a wet spectacle lens. I’m shooting around 3: 1 FF magnification. I slide forward on the lens to focus the camera and taking a series of shots for stacking. … Continue reading
Using Framing in Composition
A Post By: Darlene HildebrandtFraming is exactly as it implies:
How to Handle Your Unhappy Client in 5 Easy Steps
Gepubliceerd in Business, MarketingMeeste freelance webdesigners dread de ongelukkig client. Nog, zal uiteindelijk de meesten van ons hebben aan gezicht een. Misschien is dat waarom er zijn zo veel berichten daar over slechte clients.Immers is het laatste wat dat je … Continue reading
25 images using Framing in composition
A post by: Darlene HildebrandtBy lagusaThis week I want to showcase some images that wording in composition to create a successful image. It is one of the most difficult elements to master, but one of the most important in terms … Continue reading
Five photography Business mistakes to avoid
Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request A guest article by Steve McConnellI