Yearly Archives: 2013
Bugs Eye View: weekly photography challenge
A post by: Darren RowseThis week your photographic challenge is to take and share a photo (or photos) with the theme of ‘ bugs eye view.We are looking to see shared many shots taken from a layer down perspective (i.e. … Continue reading
Breaking down the creative process
A post by: Jeff GuyerI have quite a bit lately thought about the creative process. When talking about “creativity”, eventually people in General itself in one of the two categories
Matching the Production Style to the Image
A Post By: Post Production PyeThe Following is an excerpt from the SLR Lounge
40 of the best Websites of non-profit organizations
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How-ToText And Photography By Stephen Oachs Digital photography is an amazing medium. The rate in which quality and performance are increasing is staggering, and the possibilities are endless. It’s as if the digital age has opened up an entirely new … Continue reading
Fujifilm X-M1 Review
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Photography rules and find balance to discover your own style
By Lori PetersonDigital photography has the camera in the hands of the more than ever before and everyone seems to want to follow the standard mold of photography, or they want to completely break away from it.For example, Ian Ruhter … Continue reading
Solutions: Zone Focusing
How-ToWith shallow depth of field, good technique and patience are the keys to success. When you’re shooting macro, sharpness is especially critical. The power and impact of a shot at extreme magnification deteriorates significantly when it’s soft or exhibits motion … Continue reading
45 Amazing and Free Photoshop Actions
Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Published in Tools This post was originally published a few years ago, and many of the actions originally featured are no longer available. The post has been edited to remove the … Continue reading
Best LinkedIn Tips for Creative Professionals
Published in Blog Promotion, Business In the creative world, it can be quite difficult to find time to market yourself. Many of us spend every moment of our free time simply trying to get a project time within the timeframe … Continue reading
Defining your photographic specialty
By Lori PetersonRecently I came across a photography-page about me and the photographer said “I specialize in everything photography.” I couldn’t help but wonder how many other people had stumbled on that particular page and it fired because they wanted … Continue reading
Multitasking With Macro
How-To ?We took a Tamron SP 90mm F/2.8 Di VC USD lens into the field to shoot everything from close-ups to broad scenics. Your macro isn’t limited to small stuff. The Face Of The Landscape In traditional terms, the focal-length … Continue reading