Yearly Archives: 2013
Action Filmmaking 101
How-To Creating a compelling short film is easy, with a little planning and a willingness to stop what you’re doing and position the camera and the action properly. Most motion clips of weekend activities are boring because they’re shot from … Continue reading
How-To Everyone enjoys and deserves a great laugh. Laughter is good for the soul: it helps relieve stress and it allows us to temporarily forget about problems. It signifies there’s happiness within and it warms the heart. That’s a lot … Continue reading
Views over the countryside [book review]
A post by: Barrie SmithAgain, another large format book, Smes exactly to best shows off the subject.As it behooves this topic, the pictures are given priority and so they have to … text takes the back seat but not to … Continue reading
Secrets Beauty
Ever wanted to create an Avatar? Creating an Avatar!Searching Dgrin with Google Searching with GoogleCongratulations to the Winner of DSS #128 (Sunrise or Sunset), ShootingStar.The next Dgrin Challenge DSS #129 (Silhouette Revisited ) is open for entries through May 27th, … Continue reading
A few different shots from me (some bugs as well of course)
I have a few bug shots of course but yesterday I decided to open up the aperture much further than my usual F11 on 2 or 3 of them to get something a little more abstract. They’re a little out … Continue reading
Azure damselflies part2
Ever wanted to create an Avatar? Creating an Avatar!Searching Dgrin with Google Searching with GoogleCongratulations to the Winner of DSS #128 (Sunrise or Sunset), ShootingStar.The next Dgrin Challenge DSS #129 (Silhouette Revisited ) is open for entries through May 27th, … Continue reading
First one I’ve found – Rhagium mordax – The “blackspotted pliers support beetle”
This beetle is the Rhagium mordax, commonly known (sic) as the “blackspotted pliers support beetle”… This yellow beetle has brown and black mottling and two eye-like spots on its wing-cases. For a ‘long-horn’ beetle, it has relatively short antennae. The … Continue reading
Our new trick photography book buy and go into draws to a digital reflex or the Lens on the value of $ 1500
Last week we let you know about our brand new trick photography eBook with a 25% early bird discount.While only a week old, is all this eBook inspiring thousands of people to charge their creative comfort zone, know they have … Continue reading
Our new trick photography book buy and go into draws to a digital reflex or the Lens on the value of $ 1500
Last week we let you know about our brand new trick photography eBook with a 25% early bird discount.While only a week old, is all this eBook inspiring thousands of people to charge their creative comfort zone, know they have … Continue reading
Bug odds and sods 25-05
Mixed recent bug shots from the garden.Brian V. Fungus gnat in camelia flowerLarge red damselflyMiniature elephant in lollipoplandMating muscidsSmall dolichopid fly on acer leaf – first I’ve seen this yearSmall white butterflyAdult aphid – can’t make up it’s mind if … Continue reading
Poppies and cornflowers fields
Ever wanted to create an Avatar? Creating an Avatar!Searching Dgrin with Google Searching with GoogleCongratulations to the Winner of DSS #128 (Sunrise or Sunset), ShootingStar.The next Dgrin Challenge DSS #129 (Silhouette Revisited ) is open for entries through May 27th, … Continue reading
Step Away From The Car
How-ToOver the years I’ve been photographing nature, I’ve accumulated my fair share of images made close to the car. The problem is they look like many other’s photos who have done the same. Unless the light is very dramatic, these … Continue reading