Yearly Archives: 2013
Shooting Locally
This shot was taken at Fire Island National Seashore in New York, about 20 minutes from where I live, making it easy to get to whenever I feel the need to make an image. This image was taken on a … Continue reading
Colorful water drops
Ever wanted to create an Avatar? Creating an Avatar!Searching Dgrin with Google Searching with GoogleCongratulations to the Winner of DSS #128 (Sunrise or Sunset), ShootingStar.The next Dgrin Challenge DSS #129 (Silhouette Revisited ) is open for entries through May 27th, … Continue reading
Straighten Up
How-ToIn this photo of a church in Granada, Spain, you can see a few distortion problems. The horizon isn’t quite level, although it’s close. Also, the left portion of the church has a pronounced lean while the right portion is … Continue reading
Bird Portraits
How-ToAs with good photography of any subject, it begins with researching what you want to photograph. Knowing the behavior of the particular species is important. What it eats, where and when it feeds, its flight pattern, in what direction it … Continue reading
Tiny Wasp
Crop53 imagesMake = CanonModel = Canon EOS-1D Mark IIIExposure Time = 2″F Number = F2.8Exposure Program = ManualISO Speed Ratings = 50Metering Mode = SpotFlash = OffFocal Length = 65mm @ 5xColor Space = sRGBExposure Mode = Manual exposureWhite Balance … Continue reading
Samsung WB250F Review
You may question why I selected the Samsung WB250F for review after my less than positive review of the Galaxy, a camera replete with all sorts of problems like dust on the sensor, poor ISO performance and an inordinately long … Continue reading
Cranefly in the Lily of the Valley water trap!
This cranefly has gotten itself at the bottom of the leaf structure in one of the Lily of the Valley plants in the garden and is surrounded now my rain droplets on the leaves… Exif:Camera Maker: CanonCamera Model: Canon EOS … Continue reading
Took my spot has that drop!
“Now what am I going to do? I wanted to go there…” says the little fly to itself…. Exif:Camera Maker: CanonCamera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IILens: EF100mm f/2.8 Macro USMImage Date: 2013-05-19 09:36:03 +0000Focal Length: 100mmAperture: f/10.0Exposure Time: 0.0050 … Continue reading
The Best WordPress Themes for Churches
Published in WordPress Many churches in need of a quality website at an affordable price are turning to WordPress. One of the main reasons for this is the number of themes that have been designed and created with the needs … Continue reading
Slot Canyon Photography
How-ToText And Photography By Roger And Caryn HillSlot canyons are on every nature photographer’s “must-photograph” list. While getting into some of the canyons is relatively easy, safety is a key concern, and you always need to take care that you … Continue reading
Free Download: Padded Envelope Textures
Published in Free Resources, Textures Today we have a set of 5 textures from padded envelopes. The set includes scanned textures from both the inside and outside of a padded envelope, and they can be used for creating backgrounds in … Continue reading
Some bugs from today.
Well, been a week or so since I did any Macro due to being away so here’s a small selection from the garden this evening. The daily Hover 🙂A Flesh fly on top of our fence.Muscid Fly View the original … Continue reading