Yearly Archives: 2013
Bug odds and sods 23-04
Some recent mixed insect photos of the gardenBrian V.Hawthorne shieldbugSignal fly-Sepsis sp.Small miner bee 2-spot LadybirdGliding egg-Platcheirus sp. View the original article here
How to photograph star trails
I love shooting star trails! There is something utterly fascinating about being able to photograph the passage of time and the movement of the stars in a way that we don’t see with our own Anne McKinnellPhotographing star trails … Continue reading
Een afbeelding die ik heb lang gewacht te krijgen… en eindelijk in geslaagd het (plus andere foto’s)
I have never been able to catch a ladybug/bug just about to take it off in a natural environment. Today I finally got it and I am very happy. These were all taken with my 100 F2.8 L and a … Continue reading
A damp ladybird
Ever wanted to create an Avatar? Creating an Avatar!Searching Dgrin with Google Searching with GoogleCongratulations to the Winner of DSS #126 (Frozen in Motion Blur), tsk1979.The next Dgrin Challenge DSS #127 (If I could Catch a Rainbow) is open for … Continue reading
H.O.T. Shots
How-ToThe expression, “That’s hot,” has been around a long time. Meant as a compliment, it can be applied to a broad list of subjects. To this vast list, I add a new twist to its definition with regards to photography. … Continue reading
Sowbug – Wasp – Silverfish
Sowbug 99 FramesModel = Canon EOS-1D Mark IIIExposure Time = 0.8″F Number = F2.8Exposure Program = ManualISO Speed Ratings = 100Exposure Bias Value = ?0EVMetering Mode = SpotFlash = OffFocal Length = 65mmColor Space = sRGBExposure Mode = Manual exposureWhite … Continue reading
Studio Lighting: Unravelling the Complexity of Multiple Lights
As one gets started in studio lighting I think it is pretty common to get over ensconced in the lighting scenarios. It is funny because everything you read tells you to start with one light until you really start getting … Continue reading
Some solitary bees
Seeing a few solitary bees about now.Brian V. Mason bee Osmia rufa male- inside a daffodil trumpetMason bee Osmia rufa female – you can see the 2 horns these have on the head.Tawny miner bee Andrena fulva View the original … Continue reading
10 Pro Motion Control time-lapse Tips
As I have are documenting landscapes and cityscapes with time-lapse Photography the past few years I have some important lessons, many times learned the hard way. If you’re new to time-lapse here’s a quick definition of my eBook photograph the … Continue reading
Free download: black and white textures
Published in resources, texturesToday we have a free set of 3 black and white textures of The textures are free samples of their set of 20 black and white textures. The textures are 3600 3600 pixels pixels at 300 … Continue reading
Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?
Well, after quite a lengthy absence from macro photography (and much other photography for that matter) due to a stupidly long Winter, the bugs are finally beginning to appear. Spotted this rather cool wolf spider darting about as they do. … Continue reading
30 outstanding Web designs with large background photographs
Published in galleriesIf you are looking to make a strong impression or to make a bold statement with a website, so one option for do to a large full-screen background image to use. This design approach keeps a homepage little … Continue reading