Monthly Archives: March 2014
Overview of the Photo Recovery Software Mac of Stellar Phoenix
A post by: SimePPI’m sure it’s happened to you at some point or other, a drive dies * click Click click ANU ANU * or a memory card stops working for some unknown reason, and completely frustrating. I have pretty … Continue reading
Understanding Flash Metering Modes
A Post By: Shiv Verma/PPTerms used in this article are Canon specific but there are the same or similar terms for Nikon, Sony, Olympus
Growing Your Circles On Google Plus
PWhile scouring the Internet for awesome questions to answer, I came across this question:/PBLOCKQUOTE readability=”5″P”Ok so I am new to Google + and loving that it is so full of art and article but users what do you feel is … Continue reading
I’m not a doughnut, I’m just keeping my feet warm …PEXIF:/PPCamera Maker: CanonBRCamera model: Canon EOS 70 dBREF100mm f/2.8 Macro USM Lens:BRImage date: 2014-03-18 00: 08: 56 + 0000BRFocal length: 100 mmBRAperture: f/5.6BRExposure time: 0.0040 s (1/250)BRISO equiv: 100BRExposure Bias: … Continue reading
8 reasons that you must organize your photo collection
A post by: Matt DutilePPEdit and organize our websites, printed portfolios, collateral and promotional materials is something every professional photographer does at least once if not several times a year. It allows us the best possible vision of our work … Continue reading
Ladybug on a dandelion.
Little Ladybug on a dandelion flower-clambering over the petals. They, however, remained under go!PIMG border=”0″ alt=”” src=””/PPIMG border=”0″ alt=”” src=””/PPIMG border=”0″ alt=”” src=””/PPIMG border=”0″ alt=”” src=””/PPIMG border=”0″ alt=”” src=””/PPPaul./P pa href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”View the original article here/a/p
10 photography Hacks that dramatically improve your photos will
Errore nella deserializzazione del corpo del messaggio di risposta per l’operazione ‘Translate’. Quota per la lunghezza massima delle stringhe (8192) superata durante la lettura dei dati XML. Tale quota pu
2010 Penny
PWe finally got a 2010 cents received in our change and were stunned by her face.
2010 Penny
PWe finally got a 2010 cents received in our change and were stunned by her face.
A Baby Firefly
PWhile tooling around on Governors Island a few weeks back we stumbled over a couple of baby fireflies, a.k.a. lightning bugs.
Crown of thorns Bloom
PWe have a virtual forest of euphorbia milii aka Crown of thorns in our House.
Bug odds and sods 16-03
Some recent mixed bug shots from the garden.BRBrian V. PSmall bark fly on the carBRIMG border=0 alt=”” src=””/PPSmall chalcid wasp on camellia petalBRIMG border=0 alt=”” src=””/PPLily beetleBRIMG border=0 alt=”” src=””/PPDung flyBRIMG border=0 alt=”” src=””/PPIMG border=0 alt=”” src=””/PPOdd object- possibly a … Continue reading