Monthly Archives: March 2014
2 great lighting Tutorials with Joe McNally
A post by: Darlene HildebrandtPPJoe McNally is a name that you’ve probably heard. He is a National Geographic photographer and a master of lighting. He is also seemingly fearless, or a little crazy
Online Courses for Learning Web Design and Development
PWeb design and web development are popular career choices right now. One of the great things about getting into the industry is that there are a variety of different ways to build your knowledge and gain experience. You can attend … Continue reading
8 of the best Smartphone Camera Accessories
A post by: Jeff GuyerPPIt’s amazing how quickly things change. There was a time in the not-too-distant past when no one really took camera phones all that seriously. I remember even a heated debate about eight years ago in which … Continue reading
Weekly Photography Challenge
A Post By: Darlene Hildebrandt/PPNow that I have your attention you might be able to guess what this week
Free Download: Glow PSD Theme
PDo you want a eye catching theme for your next mobile app and get more sales? Look no further./PPGlow is a trendy landing page for your next product or service. It comes complete with a fully layered psd file and … Continue reading
SensorKlear Loupe Kit Review
A Post By: Jeff Guyer/PPA couple of years ago, I decided it was time to face my fears head-on. Since the day I had unboxed my first DSLR I
10 Ways to Improve your Vacation Photos
Errore nella deserializzazione del corpo del messaggio di risposta per l’operazione ‘Translate’. Quota per la lunghezza massima delle stringhe (8192) superata durante la lettura dei dati XML. Tale quota pu
The Design Kickstarter Bundle (400+ items)
PIMG class=”alignleft size-full wp-image-12004″ alt=MD src=”” width=400 height=375/PPA graphic artist
5 stappen om te helpen u nemen beter landschap foto ‘s
A post by: Rick BerkPPWhen shooting landscapes, it sometimes can be difficult to produce a a picture that is focused on its content, which leads the viewer’s eye exactly where you as the artist want to deal.
Weekend macros
Just sharing some random macros I have during the weekend. After so many months of rain, we finnaly get some good weather and there’s a lot of little creatures that begin to wake up:-)P# 1-I think that a spider is … Continue reading
Spin mix
Some recent photos of spider.BRBrian V.PSmall spider on the carBRIMG border=”0″ alt=”” src=””/PPIMG border=”0″ alt=”” src=””/PPSpider with bark fly lunch jumpBRIMG border=”0″ alt=”” src=””/PP”Sill” spider with preyBRIMG border=”0″ alt=”” src=””/PPIMG border=”0″ alt=”” src=””/PPIMG border=”0″ alt=”” src=”” /P pa href=”” target=”_blank” … Continue reading
8 of the best Smartphone Camera Accessories
A post by: Jeff GuyerPPIt’s amazing how quickly things change. There was a time in the not-too-distant past when no one really took camera phones all that seriously. I remember even a heated debate about eight years ago in which … Continue reading