Monthly Archives: April 2014
Blootstelling mengen met behulp van lichtsterkte maskers Tutorial
Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request A Post By: Jimmy McIntyre/PPThere will be a time when the wizards behind your camera technology conjure up a sensor so powerful … Continue reading
This Week
PHappy Wednesday! On this first Wednesday in March, we
Finding and working with available light
Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Errore nella deserializzazione del corpo del messaggio di risposta per l’operazione ‘Translate’. Quota per la lunghezza massima delle stringhe (8192) superata durante la lettura dei dati XML. Tale quota pu
The power of post-processing for landscape photography
Errore nella deserializzazione del corpo del messaggio di risposta per l’operazione ‘Translate’. Quota per la lunghezza massima delle stringhe (8192) superata durante la lettura dei dati XML. Tale quota pu
Ladybird mix
Recent ladybird shots from the garden.BRBrian V. PPine ladybirds matingBRIMG border=0 alt=”” src=””/PP10-spot variableBRIMG border=0 alt=”” src=””/PP14-spotBRIMG border=0 alt=”” src=””/PP10-spot variable with take-awayBRIMG border=0 alt=”” src=””/PPIMG border=0 alt=”” src=””/PPMeeting of harlequin and 7-spot ladybirdsBRIMG border=0 alt=”” src=””/PPnot my type !BRIMG … Continue reading
Caged Birds Cannot Sing
PFor the past 2 months my girlfriend, Aubrey, has been in Mexico (and now Guatemala) on a soul-searching voyage. After living in Seattle her whole life, she decided it was time to stretch her wings and take off to explore … Continue reading
Portrait of a Lady
These are not wild…we bought a kit with some caterpillars and all we needed to “make” Painted Lady butterflies. The kids love it, and I also got my macro set up out for the first time in a couple of … Continue reading
5 reasons for doing natural light portraits
A post by: Andrew s. GibsonPPIMG class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-67062″ alt=”Natural light portrait” src=”” width=”600″ height=”400″/PPWith all the attention given to the art and craft of shooting portraits using flash, you would be forgiven for thinking that this is the only … Continue reading
A Guide to landscape photography Workflow and post-processing
A post by: Darren RowsePPIMG title=”NewImage.png” border=”0″ alt=”NewImage” src=”” width=”300″ height=”370″Today is an exciting day on dPS HQ because we are releasing an eBook that has been asked for STRONGmany/STRONG times by readers-LOVING landscapes, a Guide to landscape photography Workflow … Continue reading
How to Get Super Sharp Landscape Photography Images
Een bericht door: Gavin HardcastlePPDe meest voorkomende vraag die krijg ik gevraagd door mijn studenten workshop is ‘Hoe krijg je dergelijke scherpe beelden?’. Het is eigenlijk werkelijk eenvoudig. In feite, voorkomen van verkeer van welke aard, terwijl de sluiter open … Continue reading
Guide for creative white balance for landscape photography
Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request A Post By: Alex Morrison/PPIf you
Make Something Worth Making
PIMG title=”What matters, what makes it art, is that the person who made it overcame the resistance, ignored the voice of doubt and made something worth making” alt=”What matters, what makes it art, is that the person who made it … Continue reading