I’m not a doughnut, I’m just keeping my feet warm …PEXIF:/PPCamera Maker: CanonBRCamera model: Canon EOS 70 dBREF100mm f/2.8 Macro USM Lens:BRImage date: 2014-03-18 00: 08: 56 + 0000BRFocal length: 100 mmBRAperture: f/5.6BRExposure time: 0.0040 s (1/250)BRISO equiv: 100BRExposure Bias: noBRMetering Mode: MatrixBRExposure: ManualBRExposure mode: manualBRWhite Balance: AutoBRFlash Fired: no (enforced)BROrientation: NormalBRColor space: sRGBBRGPS coordinate: undefined, undefinedBRAuthor: Paul IddonBRCopyright: Paul Iddon-a view of the United Kingdom/PPIMG border=”0″ alt=”” src=”http://www.photo-natural.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-1080larva.jpg”/PPPaul./P
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