Category Archives: Photo Techniques
Diagonal Lines in Landscape Photography
Today’s landscape photo tip involves diagonal lines. In a landscape photo, portrait photo, still life or any other kind of photo, the first major task of the photographer is to draw the viewer’s eye to the most important aspects of … Continue reading
How To Photograph Fireworks
During celebration periods, such as Independence Day, Christmas and New Year’s, there are many firework shows in many places. Therefore, there are a lot of opportunities to photograph fireworks. What do you need for taking fireworks photos? Photo by Robert … Continue reading
Do You Take Photographs or Make Them?
In October 1978, the cover of National Geographic showed a self portrait of a gorilla using a camera. I’m serious—you can look it up if you would like. The cover shot was a self portrait, taken by a gorilla, and … Continue reading
5 Exercises to Help You Understand Histograms
If you’re on the hunt for your first DSLR camera, or you’ve just purchased a DSLR and you’re new to digital photography, chances are you’ve been on the internet and watched one or two videos about things you should know … Continue reading
Photography Bad Habits to Overcome
There’s a fine line between mistakes and bad habits. And we as photographers are guilty of having some bad habits we may not be aware of. Photographer Peter McKinnon has put together this list of six bad habits common to … Continue reading
Small Bird Photography Tips
Photographing birds is a matter of skill and patience. And when it comes to photographing small birds, things take an even more exciting turn. Smaller birds also differ in behavior and require different photography techniques. Photographer Brent Hall shares some … Continue reading
How to Create Stunning Portraits of Your Dog
Photographing your dog can be a terrific way to not only get amazing photos of a beloved family member, it’s also good practice and will sharpen your over all photography skills. photo by m01229 Like any other portrait session, the … Continue reading
Photography: Investing Your Time
Like any form of art, photography is something that you can’t master overnight. It is indeed a real challenge to become good at photography, and it definitely requires persistence. Photographer James Popsys discusses how you can invest your time to … Continue reading
Fireworks Photos: Preparation and Planning
Everyone loves a great fireworks show and it seems that lots of people take pictures while they are at the show. Here is a question for you. How many great pictures of fireworks have you seen taken by any of … Continue reading
Interesting Photo of the Day: Colorful Sunset in Portugal
Beautiful sunsets can be found all around world and there’s certainly no shortage of photographs of them on the internet. They seem to be one of the few things that we never tire of seeing. Take for example, the photo … Continue reading
This Camera Builder Takes Photos with a Caravan
As photographers, we have varied interests. There are also some photographers who love to dig deep into the technicalities of photography and rest who dedicate themselves to capturing the perfect image with all technicalities set aside. Photographer Brendan Barry builds … Continue reading