Category Archives: Photo Techniques
10 Easy Tricks to Improve Your Indoor Photography
Taking the perfect photograph is much like painting a masterpiece, composing a symphony, or writing an epic novel. It’s one of the hardest things you’ll ever try to do, and it’s even harder when you’re no savant. Indoor Portrait The … Continue reading
The Biggest Mistake a Photographer Could Make
We photographers always seem to be on the sidelines, shooting scenes but not actually involved in the action. This can leave us feeling ‘disconnected’ from the world in front of us. And this is one of the biggest mistakes a … Continue reading
Quick Tips on Landscape Photography
Tell a story with landscape photography. By telling stories with your camera, you’re forced you to slow down and contemplate the details. This one factor alone could greatly improve your skills as a photographer! photo by jojo nicdao Consider a … Continue reading
Released Today: Topaz Denoise A.I. Photo Editor
Noise reduction technology has basically been the same for a decade, with only minor incremental improvements here and there. DeNoise AI may be different: the Topaz Labs team fed an algorithm millions of noisy/clear images until it actually learned what … Continue reading
How to Take Better Pictures for Beginner Photographers
Photography can be a fun and exciting activity for all who have a passionate interest in learning some of the fundamentals of the use of their camera. I have done photography from the time I was perhaps five or six … Continue reading
Tips for Great Street Photography
So what is street photography? A simple answer would be, anything goes. Basically it’s to get out onto the streets of your city and shoot anything that attracts your attention. Look for things that are different, quirky or need to … Continue reading
Common Mistakes in Wildlife and Nature Photography
Wildlife photography is both rewarding and frustrating, even for experienced photographers. While a great photo is something to treasure, the challenges of wildlife photography can leave beginners feeling a little lost. photo captured by PictureSocial member ahmad reedzuan “It was … Continue reading
How to Improve Your Photos With One Simple Change
You take hundreds and thousands of photos of this, that, and everything around you. Your main objective? To capture beauty. But, when you come home and take a look at your photos, why is there so often a feeling of … Continue reading
Perspective in Your Photo Compositions
Throughout history, paintings have undergone a distinct revolution. When two-dimensional paintings were no longer popular, artists had figured out different ways to allow the third dimension to impact the painting. We call that third dimension “perspective,” and it’s just as … Continue reading
The Importance of Constructive Feedback in Photography
Most of us have received critiques of our work at some point of our life. Some of the most subjective feedback is that directed at works of art. Photography is no exception. With a lot of people picking up photography … Continue reading
Make Sure Your Photographs Tell a Story
Today’s photo tip–make sure all of your photos tell a story–is easy to understand but not so easy to put into practice. The good news is that, like anything else, it gets easier and better with experience. “Orange Carriages” captured … Continue reading
Shutter Speed: Get Creative
The shutter speed setting on your camera has two purposes. The first is to help you obtain the correct exposure. The second—and this is the one of interest to creative photographers—is to determine the way that the camera records movement. … Continue reading