Category Archives: Photo Techniques
Top Tips for Photographing People
I’ll start with what I feel is the most important thing to think about. photo by Andreas Øverland Interacting with Your Subject As a photographer of people, the relationship I establish with my customers is key. Not just because they … Continue reading
Understanding an Essential Photo Editing Skill: Masking
Achieving perfect photography requires more than just in-camera skills in today’s environment. Yes, even the professionals now rely on post-production skills to PERFECT their images. One of the most important photo editing skills to learn is called “Masking” and a … Continue reading
Spring Photography Tips
Spring and autumn are my favorite seasons for taking photographs. In spring I feel more invigorated after the winter and more inclined to get out and take new photos. Here are a few of my tips for taking photographs in … Continue reading
How to be Creative with a Wide Angle Lens
Wide angle lenses have tremendous creative potential. The way they affect perspective and line helps you make dynamic and exciting images. Yet, care is required to get the best out of them. It takes a little thought to avoid the … Continue reading
Camera Metering Modes Tutorial
It’s frustrating when an image turns out bright or darker than you would have liked. To better understand how to get correct exposures, you need to understand the different ways a camera meters light. Photographer Saurav Sinha shares his insight … Continue reading
Quick Photography Lighting Considerations
Refined photography uses distinct lighting strategies. Knowing what to look for is essential when the goal is a unique and artistically stylized photograph. To be creative you have to know the basics. Creating a foundation from which to build on … Continue reading
Tips for Better Pet Photography
For taking top-class snapshots of your pet, you don’t have to be a professional photographer. Just by keeping a few essential things in mind, you can easily capture outstanding shots. Let’s learn how to take better digital photographs of pets. … Continue reading
Groom Preparations: Wedding Photography Tips
We already covered bride photography tips. Now it’s time to discuss the groom. photo by John Hope Photographing the groom seems to fall into two categories for me. Either I don’t get to be with the groom until he arrives at … Continue reading
How to Capture Better Low-Light Photography
Photography, by definition, is non-existent without light. So what do you do when the sun goes down and the light around you is insufficient? Photographer David Flores shares eight quick tips for taking photos in low light: 1. Shoot in … Continue reading
Interesting Photo of the Day: Golden Gate Sunset
Photographers love shooting during the golden hour. The sky turns magical and everything the light touches looks golden. The soft lighting makes the surroundings appear so vibrant. This image of the Golden Gate Bridge taken by photographer Che Sun is another … Continue reading
5 In-Camera Photography Tricks
You might have come across photography videos that make use of various props to add creative effects to a photo. But what if you don’t have access to things like prisms or crystal balls? Don’t let that be a barrier … Continue reading
How and Why to Push/Pull Film
Simply speaking, pushing and pulling film allows you to gain more contrast and grain for an artistic effect. Photographer Jay P. Morgan compares how pushing and pulling affects images using Fuji 400, Portra 400 and Portra 800 films: What is … Continue reading