With the 4th of July celebration rapidly approaching for those in the U.S., this is a great time to work on your fireworks photography. While most people are busy eating lots of BBQ ribs or trying to set up the biggest fireworks display on the block, photographers are busy preparing to take lots of fireworks photographs. Fireworks photography is not as difficult as you may think. A little planning and know how will help you capture great fireworks photographs. To help you capture the “perfect” fireworks photographs I have prepared three lessons on fireworks photography. The first is a basic lesson on how to photograph fireworks, the second goes into more advanced issues to help you fine-tune your images, and the third is the #1 secret to fireworks photography. I also have a link to a great article from Sue Chastain, our Graphics Software Guide, on how to remove ugly backgrounds from your images when necessary.
Fireworks Photography Lessons
Happy Shooting!!!
Photo ? Liz Masoner licensed to About.com, Inc.