Tag Archives: Clothing
Photography Project Highlights Clothing Waste
Several years ago, designer and human rights advocate Laura François took a long, hard look at her closet. Staring at her clothes, she couldn’t help but think about the materials and labor poured into each garment. That moment marked the beginning … Continue reading
Adobe’s Clever Marketing Campaign Turns Cliche Corny Stock Photography Into A Clothing Line
News You can’t actually buy a shirt of “seniors using laptop,” but we wish you could. The worst photo stock photography has to offer would make a hilarious clothing line. Popular Photography
How to Add Patterns to Clothing in Photoshop
From the Phlearn YouTube Channel: Scale Pattern into PlaceStart by scaling and rotating the pattern into place. In this example, we also invert the pattern to change colors by pressing CTRL/CMD + I. Make sure to make the pattern a bit … Continue reading
Fiction Brand Makes Clever Clothing For Photographers
When I’m out shooting, there’s a good chance I’m wearing as much black as possible. I usually go with a plain black pocket T-shirt so I have a place to put my lens cap. Fiction Brand, however, has started making … Continue reading