Tag Archives: modular
Review of the new Spekular Modular LED Light System
I was fortunate enough to get hold of the new Spekular Modular LED kit from the people at Spiffy Gear a little bit earlier than most. So I’ve been using it for a couple of months now on everything from … Continue reading
Photokina 2016: Hasselbald reveals its vision of a modular 75MP medium format camera
Hasselblad has introduced some big innovations this year between the 100MP H6D-100c and its first mirrorless medium format camera, the X1D, but it’s not done yet and it’s teasing it’s next big creation. Meet the V1D. It’s only a concept … Continue reading
Think Tank Announces Shape Shifter V2.0 Camera Backpacks Including A Modular “Naked” Version
Gear These bags flatten out when they’re empty to reduce that Ninja Turtle look while shooting Think Tank has updated its popular Shape Shifter camera bags, including a new version with lots of customizability. Popular Photography
Review: Think Tank Modular Component Set V2.0
If you’re a photographer who frequently carries lots of gear, and needs it easily accessible to you during a shoot, it’s time to start thinking like Batman! That doesn’t mean donning a cape and mask, but rather making use of … Continue reading
Think Tank modular components and Pro Speed belt Review
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