Tag Archives: Snowflake
The Snowflake Man
A short documentary film about Wilson “Snowflake” Bentley, pioneer of snowflake photography. I’ve seen his wonderful photos before, but here you’ll see his setup, combined from microscope and camera, and Snowflake Man at work: Here you’ll find all snowflake videos. … Continue reading
Snowflake wallpaper: Sunflower
Unusual snow crystal Sunflower now available as Ultra HD wallpaper: Wallpaper available in screen proportions 4:3, 5:4, 16:10 and 16:9, resolutions from 800×600 pixels (SVGA) to 3840×2160 (Ultra HD 4K). The keys to december
Snowflake draft #3
Here is two snowflakes, quickly processed for Snowflake draft series. Both photos was taken March 19, 2013 – quite late for serious snowflake photography, but that day was cold, and i have nice catch of interesting snow crystals without visible … Continue reading
Snowflake flash drives from USB Memory Direct
An American company USB Memory Direct specializes in producing USB flash drives with custom shape, color and print on drive’s surface, and has been a leader in the industry for over fourteen years. They can make flash drive case from … Continue reading
Snowflake vectors 2
I’ve already created two vector snowflake images, trying to make them very similar to original photos. This time i tried different approach: my goal is creating simplified image in just two colors, which represent only most significant details of real … Continue reading
Snowflake draft #2
This is quick update of Snowflake draft series, before i’ll continue digging archives from recent winter. This photo was taken January 18, 2013: very first winter when i start to use lens Helios 44 as additional magnifier, and assembled my … Continue reading
Snowflake wallpaper: Steering wheel
Unusual snowflake Steering wheel now available as wallpaper: As usual, wallpaper available in screen proportions 4:3, 5:4, 16:10 and 16:9, resolutions from 800 * 600 pixels (SVGA) to 3840 * 2160 (Ultra HD 4K). The keys to december
Snowflake draft #1
Decided to start additional series of snowflake photos: Snowflake draft, in parallel with fully processed snow crystals. This will be small packs of snowflake photos, processed with simplified and more quick workflow. My main processing workflow for snowflake photography requires … Continue reading
Valentine’s day snowflake
I already posted this interesting tiny crystal almost a year ago, and this is re-processed version with slightly better contrast and colors: 1200 * 900 Prints available at Pixels.com / FineArtAmerica.com, RedBubble.com. This variant have bigger cropping, and may be … Continue reading
Anatomy of a snowflake (video)
Another interesting video by NBC News describes various types of snowflakes and features some of my photos as illustrations for different types: Direct link to video on NBC News site The keys to december
GIF animation: melting snowflake sequences
I’ve already posted two GIF animations (with snowflake melting and reversed sublimation, which looks like “grow”), and here is 3 more animations of snowflakes, melting on glass. This January starts really good for snowflake photography in Moscow: it is cold … Continue reading
Don Komarechka. “The Snowflake” – ultra high resolution snowflake poster
I hardly imagine how much time and effort it takes to create this ultra high resolution poster by Don Komarechka! Canadian professional photographer Don Komarechka (Website, Google+, Facebook, Flickr) individually captured and processed all those 400+ snow crystals using focus … Continue reading