Tag Archives: threat
People are still the biggest security threat
New research from Proofpoint has revealed that more than 99 percent of cyberattacks require human interaction to execute. To compile its Human Factor report, the cybersecurity firm conducted an 18-month analysis of data collected across its global customer base. Vice … Continue reading
Phishing is the top security threat for businesses
A security service developed by the telecommunications firm Telefónica, in collaboration with McAfee and Allot, has revealed that the majority of the threats (89%) it has blocked so far are related to phishing. During the first two months in which … Continue reading
Communicating Threat, Whitetail Buck, Shenandoah National Park
A whitetail deer’s ears are extremely perceptive. So good is their hearing that they have the practical equivalent of eyes in the back of their heads. The buck in the foreground, with ears turned back and raised high, is essentially … Continue reading
Email security is greater threat than ever
Emails containing malicious URLs are up by 125 percent when compared to last quarter according to new research from Mimecast. The email and data security company's latest Email Security Risk Assessment (ESRA) report has revealed that the delivery of emails … Continue reading